Certificate of English Language Teaching

Certificate of English Language Teaching (CELT) by ERI is a certification in teaching English for teachers of English as a second language. It is a well-designed course that aims at equipping teachers with practical knowledge of the language.

Who is CELT for?

CELT is for non-native individuals who have working knowledge of how the language works and are able to learn ideas and practical techniques in the same.

  1. Teachers who are already into teaching of English and wish to polish their skills and
    enhance their knowledge.
  2. Freshers who wish to pursue a career as an English teacher and need the
    confidence to start with their first English teaching jobs.

Primary Objectives of CELT

The Certificate course has been designed in a way that by the end of a 60 hours course, students will be able to:

  1. understand the basics of language teaching.
  2. plan their lessons correctly.
  3. teach the four macro skills of language (Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking)
    and Grammar.
  4. engage students through interesting activities and engage them in practical
    communication for everyday use language in different situations (Functional English).
  5. assess language skills effectively.

Modules in CELT


‘Approach is a broad term that reflects a certain model based on research or theory’ and is reflected in various methods, strategies and techniques of language teaching an ELT practitioner uses in the classroom. At any given time, an ELT expert may use one or more methods in their class. This module will bring into discussion most used and known approaches of ELT.


This course is intended to explain the planning process. Moreover, participants will know and understand factors to be considered at each stage of the planning process. This module will teach them how to draft appropriate objectives for ELT lessons, select appropriate approaches for any given content area/objective and be able to use suitable evaluation strategies.


This course will not only define the process of listening and hearing but will also discuss in details various types and processing models. Students will also learn how a typical listening lesson is prepared and conducted.


Starting with the definitions and explanations of what reading is and why it is important the course will move on to discussing four pillars of reading instructions and highlighting factors that make reading a difficult task. Factors affecting readers comprehension and effective guided reading are also part of the course. Students will also learn how a typical reading lesson is prepared and conducted.


This module includes introduction to the act of speaking and its features, three systems of language including sound, vocabulary and grammar and four types of competence in the speaking process. It will further include teaching of speaking as a skills and types of communication activities and preparing a good plan for it.


Writing is a productive skill and includes stages and processes. This module will include writing as a skill and its purposes. Students will also learn and practice the writing process and six+1 traits of writing. Four different types of writing, stages of writing and designing a good writing plan are also parts of this course.


Grammar is an essential skill that encompasses all areas of ELT. This module will include why we teach grammar and forms and functions of various words. Students will also learn about three-dimensional grammar framework and different approaches to teaching grammar. The module includes designing games for grammar activities and preparing a good lesson that focuses on particular grammar areas.


This course helps participants to introduce and teach vocabulary with interesting and impactful techniques. The module includes defining vocabulary and various teaching strategies. Students will also learn how ELT practitioners introduce new vocabulary, teach the use of dictionary and prepare a focused vocabulary lesson plan.


In this era where entertainment is widespread, it is essential to make learning fun and long- term by integrating games with learning. This module will include the importance of games and activities in an ELT class. This course provides guidelines for designing games and activities that focus on reading, writing, listening or speaking skills.


Evaluation or assessment of English language learners is an integral part of the teaching- learning-evaluation process. The module will discuss main objectives of evaluating and assessing with a purpose to guide and improve learning experience. Students will get familiar with effective tools of assessment and will learn how to design reliable and valid tests. The module also includes types of Assessment, informal Assessment, Rubrics, do’s and don’ts when formulating questions and Testing.

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